
Learn about the upcoming congresses here.

SHOOT goes SOHC 2022

This year SHOOT was again able to organize a session at the SOHC. The focus was on the shortage of skilled workers and the needs of the younger generation. For this, SHOOT presented the results of an extensive survey on the current situation among young oncologists and hematologists. Talks were followed by a panel discussion where several ideas for tackling the emerging shortage of hematologists and oncologists were identified.

SHOOT, with your help, will continue to monitor this issue and continue to advocate for the working conditions of the younger generation 


SHOOT at Medifuture - 05.11.22

Medifuture is a yearly career congress for medical students and young doctors in Bern. In addition to presentations on career topics, a key focus of the event is to give attendees the opportunity to talk directly with exhibitors. In addition to clinics, numerous professional societies take advantage of the opportunity to represent their specialty and promote specialist training. In addition to the interaction with the participants, this also resulted in exciting discussions with the "young" working groups of other professional societies.

With over 500 participants, the event was again fully booked this year. SHOOT was represented for the first time this year. Throughout the day we had multiple opportunities to interact with the participants and share the passion for our work. The chance to have a face to face conversations with doctors that are themselves still in their specialization training was highly appreciated by the participants. 

We feel the conversations helped the young doctors and students in their decision making process. Hopefully, we could inspire some of them too choose a career in the oncology/ hematology field.


SOHC 2021

From 18th to 20th November 2021 the “Swiss Oncology and Hematology Congress” (SOHC) took place at the “Circle Convention Center Zurich Airport”. Among other very interesting presentations about oncology and hematology at the SOHC, two events organized by SHOOT were held.


First, an aperitif was offered for all interested members and guests of SHOOT on Friday evening. Then, second, the first session of SHOOT was conducted on Saturday morning, led by Friederike Vetter and Eveline Daetwyler, as co-chairs. This first session was structured into three parts and shed light on a career in oncology and hematology at three different phases: the beginning of a career (speaker: Dr. A. Condoluci), the middle phase (speaker: Prof. Dr. A. Wicki) and the end phase reached after long experience (speaker: Prof. Dr. M. Bargetzi). These presentations were very interesting and gave us various inputs to help us plan and structure our future careers. The event was very well attended, despite being held early on Saturday morning, and we received a great deal of positive feedback.


In summary, we achieved the goal we set ourselves: networking with other oncologists and hematologists, recruiting new members to our new organization, and gathering information for future SHOOT events. We are greatly looking forward to the next events.


See you soon, Eveline Daetwyler and Friederike Vetter
