Basic Course in Oncology
Since recently, there is a basic cours in oncology at the yearly SOHC covering non-subject-specific topics like statistics, driving ability or health insurance. This course is mandatory for the FMH Oncology.
SHOOT is a part of SOHC and has an own session. Maybe we will see you this year at the Apéro riche on the 22nd of November.
Basiskurs Onkologie zu nicht-fachspezifischen Themen | SSMO · SGMO · SSOM
Communication Training
This course is mandatory for the FMH Hematology and Oncology.
The "Krebsliga/ligue contre le cancer/lega contro il cancro" ist the only organisation with an acknowledged communication training.
Kommunikationstraining – Weiterbildung bei der Krebsliga Schweiz
Course in ethics
In the newest edition of the program for the FMH Oncology a course in ethics is mandatory as well. As of 2022 there are two different acknowledged courses according to the SGMO.
- St. Gallen: 6. Symposium «Ethik in der Medizin» | Kantonsspital St.Gallen (
- Lausanne: Ethique - CHUV
Good Clinical Practice
Another new addition for the FMH Oncology is the mandatory participation in a GCP Course. Most of the universities and bigger hospitals offer this course. Just ask around or use a search engine of your choice to look for a course near you.
Palliative Courses
The course is mandatory for the FMH Oncology and needs to be acknowledged by the SGMO ( Anerkannte Kurse | SSMO · SGMO · SSOM). Below you find the links to the corresponding courses:
- St. Gallen: Unser Angebot - Palliativakademie St.Gallen - Weiterbildung für Palliative Care. - Weiterbildung in der Palliative Care (
- Bern: Allgemeine Palliative Care - Palliativzentrum (
- Luzern: CAS Palliative Care - Universität Luzern (
- Lausanne: isfm_oncologie_cours_medpall.pdf (
SPECT- Courses
This course is part of the curriculum for the FMH Hematology. Since 2022 oncologists in training are allowed to participate in the SPEC-SSH Course with hemato-oncological topics. Next up Saturday, 01. April 2023 at the Inselspital Bern. The topic is lymphoid neoplasms including Hodgkin Disease.
For further information visit the homepage.
SPEC-SSH courses – SGH-SSH