Basic Course in Oncology

Since recently, there is a basic cours in oncology at the yearly SOHC covering non-subject-specific topics like statistics, driving ability or health insurance. This course is mandatory for the FMH Oncology.

SHOOT is a part of SOHC and has an own session. Maybe we will see you this year at the Apéro riche on the 22nd of November.

 Basiskurs Onkologie zu nicht-fachspezifischen Themen | SSMO · SGMO · SSOM 

Communication Training

This course is mandatory for the FMH Hematology and Oncology.

The "Krebsliga/ligue contre le cancer/lega contro il cancro" ist the only organisation with an acknowledged communication training.

Kommunikationstraining – Weiterbildung bei der Krebsliga Schweiz 

Course in ethics

In the newest edition of the program for the FMH Oncology a course in ethics is mandatory as well. As of 2022 there are two different acknowledged courses according to the SGMO.

Good Clinical Practice

Another new addition for the FMH Oncology is the mandatory participation in a GCP Course. Most of the universities and bigger hospitals offer this course. Just ask around or use a search engine of your choice to look for a course near you.

SPECT- Courses


This course is part of the curriculum for the FMH Hematology. Since 2022 oncologists in training are allowed to participate in the SPEC-SSH Course with hemato-oncological topics. Next up Saturday, 01. April 2023 at the Inselspital Bern. The topic is lymphoid neoplasms including Hodgkin Disease.

For further information visit the homepage.

 SPEC-SSH courses – SGH-SSH