Who are we?
Rahel Schwotzer
University Hospital Zurich
Attending in Hematology
"To me, hematology is the most beautiful field in medicine. We establish the diagnosis ourselves using a microscope or laboratory results, we recommend treatment based on the latest scientific findings, sometimes even before they are officially approved, and we accompany our patients during the treatment and take care of complications. The proximity to basic research and the pace at which progress sometimes is achieved is exciting. Today’s research at the workbench may already be at the bedside tomorrow."
Kathrin Vollmer
Spital Thun
Attending in Oncology
"Being a Medical Oncologist means delivering truly holistic care in having the possibility to support patients through hard times from the moment of diagnosis through curative and palliative treatments to even delivering end-of-life care while staying on top of the latest scientific developments and treatment options."
Gina Colarusso
Hôpital du Valais
Resident in Oncology
“A cancer diagnosis often completely overturns the lives of our patients and their families and evoke a wide array of complex emotions; being an ally to patients and supporting them in such an emotionally charged and physically difficult journey enables a deep and meaningful doctor-patient relationships that is deeply rewarding for me as a physician. Oncology research are extremely ambitious and challenging for a young physician, but have spurred in me a genuine enthusiasm to contribute to this progress”.
Adalgisa Condoluci
Institute of Oncology Research, Bellinzona
Physician Scientist
“I chose to pursue translational research in onco-hematology because it represents a bridge between basic science and the clinics. Having a granular view on cancers and a deeper understanding on what we observe in our clinical experience leads to improvement in cancer management and patients’ lives: our common goal.”
Eveline Daetwyler
Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen
Attending in Oncology
"Oncology is a very fascinating and challenging speciality. It encompasses a broad spectrum of diseases affecting all organ systems, requires empathetic care of and for patients and their relatives in their difficult situation and offers us doctors a constantly evolving field involving new therapies and treatment protocols."
Tämer El Saadany
Cantonal Hospital Graubünden
Resident in Oncology
"I find oncology fascinating because it offers a profound insight into complex disease patterns and constantly evolving treatments, where I can play multiple roles - from offering medical advice to providing emotional support during severe illnesses and treatments. Working in this field has completed my medical journey, placing me at the heart of medicine where I can significantly impact patients' lives through direct care and by advancing science in clinical studies.."
Teresa Gerardi
Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale
Resident in Hematology
"I realized that I wanted to become a hematologist when I understood the value of constant research in clinical practice. Today I am excited to be part of this structured training that I would not change with anything else."
Emilia Kvasnicka
University Hospital Basel
Resident in Oncology
"The field of oncology is advancing rapidly, and it’s truly inspiring to witness how research and clinical efforts are transforming patient care and improving lives."
Guido Pesola
Istituto Oncologico della Svizzera Italiana
Resident in Oncology
"No oncologist can work alone. Patients with cancer need complex care, so if you want to make patients good, you have to work collegially. It means collaborating with other oncologists, radiologists, internists, surgeons, pathologists, nurses, and so on. But it also means making connections with people from other hospitals and research centres. We work together trying to learn from every patient, that's something I love and want to keep on.”
Max Rieger
University Hospital Zurich
Attending in Hematology
"What excites me about hematology is the integration of diagnostics and therapy as well as the acute nature of many diseases.
I would like to work towards strengthening inter-institutional cooperation in establishing new approaches."
Isabel Stiefel
Kantonsspital Aarau
Attending in Oncology
"In medical oncology you have the opportunity to establish an intensive connection with your patients, work in an interdisciplinary team and implement the newest scientific achievements in our daily work. This is why I am fond of this versatile and fascinating specialty."
Friederike Vetter
University Hospital Zurich
Attending in Hematology
"I like hematology because it is a versatile employment field in which new therapeutic approaches are constantly developing. In this area of expertise, despite the bureaucratic obstacles that sometimes exist, I have the opportunity to do something useful."
Yvette von Aarburg
Kantonsspital Aarau
Attending in Oncology
"Oncology is a challenging but rewarding specialty regarding science and the interaction with our patients. Often We have the privilege to help them through very difficult times. Furthermore research is currently in a state of flux with new innovations. It is great to be a part of it!"